Ksquare Facilitates User Growth and Management for a World-Class Workspace Solutions Company


Our client is a new entity offering configurable team suites to on-demand meeting rooms and co-working spaces. Backed by one of the largest commercial real estate firms globally, this new entity is well past the startup phase. It has quickly become the go-to leader in building unmatched flexible workspace solutions to help lone professionals, high-growth teams, and enterprise companies thrive.



Even though this company had established itself and was a new venture, they were still tied to their parent company. They needed to be an independent business entity, which included all of their technology needs. A large part of their problem was that they didn’t have a way to manage users, locations, or other transactions. The project started entirely from scratch and needed The Ksquare Group to build out the entire API layer and frontend user interface.



The objective was to create an event-driven backend architecture using Go and Lambda to help maintain data independently from the external 3rd party system. The frontend was migrated over to use Nexudus, a third-party tool used to manage shared workspaces. This platform choice opened us to more automation-related work regarding automated provisioning of new spaces and new co-working locations.


Our client was able to maintain all customer and financial-related data and create a setup for the anticipated growth of their users.

Having the technology to manage users, purchase transactions, conference room bookings, and purchases of food and beverages gave our client the confidence knowing they had the right technology to grow their company. Our client was now their entity and had the technology to function at a high level.


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